Saturday, March 15, 2014



Hoard:  a supply that is hidden or carefully guarded for future use (Webster). Synonyms:  stockpile, reserve, cache, store, stock. 
Greed:  excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth. (Webster).

Television shows about hoarders are popular to watch today.  We are fascinated by how much “stuff” a person can accumulate in one house.  Most of us aren’t extreme hoarders, but many of us do say we have too much stuff in our homes.  So why don’t we just get rid of it if we do not use it?  When discussing this topic with friends, I hear “I might need the stuff one day,” or “I have memories attached to the stuff,” or “it was a gift so I feel guilty getting rid of it,” even “I don’t know what all I have and don’t have time to dig through it all.”  I have to admit that I say the same things about my stuff.  I don’t like to think of it, however, as being greedy, but perhaps it is a more subtle type of greed.  I don’t consciously think “I won’t share!” 

I also hear from people that having too much stuff makes them feel anxious, overwhelmed, tired and guilty, and I know that feeling as well.  Sometimes we just want all that extra stuff to be gone!  Have you ever heard someone who has just taken a bunch of stuff to an outreach say, “I feel so much lighter and better since I got some of that stuff out of my house?” 

What does the Bible say about greed (even our subtle greed)?
Ø  Proverbs 15:27:  Greed brings grief to the whole family
Ø  Proverbs 1:19:  Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.
Ø  Ephesians 5:5:  You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God.  For a greedy person is an idolater, worshipping the things of this world.
Ø  Colossians 3:5:  So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you.  Have nothing to do with sexual immorality , impurity, lust and evil desires…
I believe there is more than one way to hoard.  Along with hoarding “stuff,” we hoard our emotions, our words of kindness, our forgiveness, our talents, our time and our love.  What are our excuses for this type of hoarding?  “I might get hurt,” “they don’t deserve my forgiveness,” “I’m too shy,” “I’m too busy,” “I don’t know how,” etc., etc.  Do we hoard these things even from our Creator God?  God created us to be “givers” like Himself. 

Keeping our fellow man a priority over all of our “To-Do Lists” is very difficult in today’s world.  But we lose sight of what (really WHO) is truly important in our lives if we don’t consciously (daily) think about what is most important to pay attention to each day.  Life is all about balance.  Do you balance time for others with your “To-Do List” of things to get done?  Take time each day for what is most important:  to fellowship with God, to share what is on your heart with Him, to pray, praise, and thank Him.  Stop hoarding your words with people!  Don’t be afraid to give a compliment, thank a waitress for a job well done, tell the bagger at the store to have a great day, call a friend or relative just to say hello, read an extra book to your child, or visit an elderly neighbor.  Let’s be aware of all that we are hoarding in our lives and strive daily for more balance.  We might need to shorten our “To-Do Lists” to only those things that truly matter.  Things will always be there, but people won’t.  Share your “stuff”, but also your time, your talents, and your heart with others.  You might just end up getting rid of some anxiety.  Remember, greed robs you and grieves not only you but your whole family!  We can’t afford to be greedy.  It costs too much!

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